Friday, February 11, 2011

Thing 14

Technorati is a huge time sink! It's purpose is to index blogs and posts, through searching tags (words, subjects). I have to say, I'm not so sure how someone would use it, unless they are just toodling around looking for a blog to follow. The info on the site about the site is great--easy to find, read, understand.

I know I have done some of the "Things" but not blogged about them. Like Thing 10, I know my kids had a blast goofing around with the image that is supposed to be me.

Trying to finish this up and get my CEUs!

Yes, I am back and determined to earn my 18 or so credits. Having been away so long, I have forgotten how to do things and I've also seen how bland my blog looks, compared to some fabulous ones I've been reading lately.

I love Nancy Pearl's blog and her monthly appearances on KUOW, which I listen to on podcast. (Thing 21)

I know I have done many of the "things".Here are some comments:

Thing 7: I enjoy David Pogue's podcasts, columns, and blog. He's terrific at making the technical understandable. The Nova series "Making Stuff" was another great display of his communication talents.

Thing 8: I thought I did this awhile back and now I see that Bloglines is no more. The following link from Mashable was good to read for an alternative:

I can see that for people who have their internet access going nonstop, this kind of a thing is good. The Mashable article on the demise of Bloglines cited the popularity of Twitter and Facebook as reasons to take Bloglines down. I guess that is the thing about social media and instant access: it changes and starts and ends when superceded.

Thing 9: I thought I did this, too. Mel's Desk is a nice children's services site and linked me to a flannelboard wiki that I signed up for. I have to explore that a bit more. That is Thing 16.

I am a regular podcast listener (Thing 21) and find most of mine either by browsing by subject on iTunes, or from NPR.

Thing 22: I have been showing patrons how to access Overdrive and NetLibrary both for audio and e-books. There is growing interest and demand. Unfortunately, the selection is still spotty. I have discovered that DCPL has a different subscription to Overdrive, as does Arlington Co. PL and you can get cards online from both (although DC's is a temp number and expires in 30 days unless you go in to a branch and get a physical card. Arlington mailed me mine.)